Associate Professor
Veronika Cheplygina
IT University of Copenhagen
Topics: Crowdsourcing, transfer learning and general limitations of dataset selection.

Assistant Professor
Jens Petersen
University of Copenhagen
Topics: Human-in-the-loop, interactive- and active learning

Dima Damen
University of Bristol
Topics: Multi-Modal Video Understanding, action recognition and domain adaptation

Assistant Professor
Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Technical University of Denmark
Topics: Image annotation with active learning and human in the loop

Research Director
Gaƫl Varoquaux
INRIA, France
Topics: Learning with messy data (missing values, normalization issues in tabular data), machine learning in limited data settings

Serge Belongie
Copenhagen University
The AI Pioneer Center

Oliver Hulme
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR)
Topics: Reward learning via dopamine